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November 4th is here, and I missed my planned writeup… November 4, 2008

Posted by Mongo in Politics.
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I had hoped to have a new posting up by now, but due to a busy weekend, other efforts to the election cause and probably a bit too much beer while watching football, it’s been permanently delayed.  I would like to leave you with a brief writeup I received from a friend early this morning via Facebook…in not a lot of words she explains why she voted the way she did.  An excellent summary!

“I voted against higher taxes for those making over 250, oh, I mean 200, oh, I mean 150, oh, I mean 97, oh wait, I mean 42, against redistribution of wealth, against smearing those who ask questions, against the followers of the mainstream media, against Ayers, Wright, Flager, Davis, Rezko, Alinsky, Hollywood, against the waving the white flag, I voted for drilling, for keeping the coal industry alive, for nuclear power, for lower taxes, for smaller government, for keeping babies who survive abortions alive, I voted as an informed leader and not a misguided follower. I voted for the one who has experience, whose voted with his party 75% of the time, not the one whose voted with his party 97% of the time. I voted for true Change not delusional change. I voted for M-C-C-A-I-N because he’s the only one whose taken a hit for my country! We’ve already warned our employees that some may loose their jobs should The One who wants to fine businesses to pay for nationalized health care be elected.”

Thanks to Susan H. for the above!